Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Dreaming Tree

“The dreaming tree
Sang to me
Given by a friend who thought of me
Trees are life ... some have been here for centuries
Even people who have known one another for mere years
Can be centuries old in their hearts
Similar stories but different
Living a life with children who others will never understand
Living a world of uncomfortableness others will never know

Sometimes even feeling estranged from your partner in life
Who created those beings with you out of love
No one understands
The hurt of a mothers heart
 But the dreaming tree does
You taste it, drink it in and relax
You forget for just one damn moment that you struggle
That you hurt
That you yearn
That you pray
That you scream
That you wish
Then you wake up and do what you need to do
Because you are a badass bitch
And you have no choice
So says the Dreaming Tree”

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Lonely but not alone

I want to know how you can feel so alone when you’re surrounded by so many people who love you
I want to know what the answer is when the answer is unknown and out of reach
I want to know when you do all you can to be the best you can be and yet you are not the best according to anyone
I want to know why my brain suffers when all It wants to do is give happiness to others
Is this the curse of a true caregiver
To always give of yourself and always wonder why yourself is suffering
To always think of others first and yourself last
Do you wonder why no matter what you do or how you do it to take care of others there never seems to be anyone to take care of you to satisfy your soul to what you give
If this is the curse of the caregiver?
Sometimes I want it ... sometimes I don’t and that is another curse in and of itself that you don’t get to choose
You need to take it or leave it
There will come a time in your life where you will have to make the decision of which path you want to take
Taking it or leaving it; a curse or a gift
It is always your choice but it never feels like it