Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Feeling good!

The past few days various people have finally started noticing my weight loss!
I feel good!  Today my tummy is a wee bit cranky so I have been on mostly liquids all day.
But it is not bothering me.
But I was out in the sun, on a blanket, reading.
That was awesome!
My size 18pants are getting baggy on me and I am fitting in a few of the 16s.
I am amazed!
Yesterday the DH said I looked slim in a shirt I had on!  (Which I could barely squeeze into last year!)
I am posting my new favorite picture from this weekend.
I think we look awesome ....ok ...especially ME!  Lol!

And one of me kissing my boy! My face looks so much thinner!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Changes and surprises ... Keeping you in the know

Well I am eight weeks out.  I am going to share with you some things that I have noticed this far out.

* If I stand up and look down and squeeze my belly in, I can see my toes!
* I can paint my toes without cramping up my diaphragm
* I can wrap an average sized bath towel around my whole body after a shower
* I can reach back and scratch the MIDDLE of my own back!
* I can jog almost 1/3 of a mile without stopping or wanting/having to stop
* I can cross my legs comfortably without having to hold my leg there
* I can put both arms on the middle of my back and crack it!
* I actually skipped up the stairs the other day
* I don't avoid bending down to pick things up off the floor
* Back pain has been at a minimum
* Pelvic pain is almost non existent
* I can sit with my knee/s almost up to my chest
* I have packed up bags and bags of clothes that no longer fit me
* I have a ton of energy
* I am finding that I do no need my CPAP as much.  I still use it for most of my sleep but I can nap without it and feel refreshed.  But for long term sleeping I still always use it
* The awful gas has subsided and I am on a great high protein intake schedule with food and drink (plus I have a great schedule down for all my vitamins and supplements, scripts as well)
*Feeling more motivated to be out and about ... and when YOU are out and about ... you will need lots of new gym bags and travel bags cause you are gonna wanna GO GO GO!  SO check out my website! 
www.mythirtyone.com/tward  SPRING FLING going on NOW!  Ends April 29th!  So if you see something you like there ... order it under Spring Fling under "my parties"  I will deliver if you are local, RI!
**Shameless advertising, SOrry!** LOL!!

Some things not as pleasant
* Noticing LOTS of sagging skin and not just in the places I thought.  In places I didn't really consider myself really "fat" before.  For instance, my arms and inner thighs.
* Kinda noticing a "chicken neck" saggy thing going on where my double chin was but I know that will tighten up
* My poop is just not the same (TMI BUT HEY I am being real here) since surgery
* My periods are SO heavy since surgery like the worst ever!  (Again, TMI probably but again ... Keeping it real and trying to inform!) I see the OBGYN today!
**Update:  I have to go for a pelvic ultrasound to see why I have been having such heavy periods.  She suspects maybe polyps?  I will keep you updated!
* My hair has started falling out a bit, not clumps like some have experienced, but definitely lots in the shower and after drying and styling my hair
*DRY SKIN ... like dry like the Sahara!  BUT I have found Avon's Thermalift facial cream and the ANEW under eye cream to work wonders!  If you do not have an Avon girl, contact mine!  Here is her information! 

Here are some things I didn't expect

I have to be honest with you, I didn't expect the extra money that would come with the surgery.  First, just because the surgery is covered by your insurance does not mean it is free.  Check with your insurance company about your deductible.  So you don't have a nervous breakdown like I almost did with a call three days before saying that you will owe $845 ... I was thinking BEFORE they would do the surgery.  Turns out they will bill you, but still!  So I have THAT bill.  And I was like okay whatever.  But then after surgery I got another bill from the two anesthesiologists.  THAT bill is about $950.  So I am in for almost $2000 that I will have to pay out of pocket.  I am sure I can go on a payment plan but still .... Unexpected.  Then there's the protein powders.  If you find one you like you are gonna want it.  The one I LOVE is kinda pricey.  Then there's the prescriptions for the first six months (for acid reflux and gall stone prevention one).  Then there's the multivitamin (you can't cheap out on these ya gotta be sure you are getting all you need), the calcium chews/tabs, the B12 tabs.  Then there's the new clothes you are gonna need if you are not blessed as I was to have a good friend give you a bunch. Cause when you are losing weight and feelings good, who the hell wants to hang around in frumpy clothes?  Savers had been a LIFE saver as well as my good friend, Nancy!  Thank heavens!  She gave me SO many awesome clothes!  She lost weight on Weight Watchers and is looking and doing fabulous!  Thanks girl!

Soon I will need to do some underwear and bra shopping.  PLUS I will need a new bathing suit for summer!  Oh boy!

So all these little things add up.  Just an FYI.  
Keeping you informed! 
Here is a picture of me recently!
Not the greatest ... the wind was whipping my hair back and forth! LOL!
The pants are an 18 and shirt an 18/20!  Not been that size for QUITE some time!
Not too shabby for eight weeks out!

Friday, April 12, 2013

The ugly

I wrote this below a few nights ago ... I wasn't going to post it.  It was sitting there as a draft.  Ya know what?  I am posting it.  I feel much better then when I wrote this and I think it's important to share as others may be feeling this way and maybe it will make them feel not so alone.  I promised to always be honest.  So, dear readers, I am in a better place today.  Carry on

I feel frustrated tonight.  Well the past day or so really.  I feel like cognitively I have not grasped the concept of the finality of what goes on inside my body.  I will NEVER be able to eat like I used to.  Ever.  My insides will always be different than most.  My stomach sliced, intestines re-routed.  Every time I eat, I think about it.  Will this be ok?  Will I get sick?  Why are my insides making that awful sound?  Why am I so gassy?  How much protein did I have today?  Did I take all my vitamins/meds? Did I drink enough water?
I feel worn out and tired of thinking about it.  Fucking exhausted actually.  I think now more about food and what goes into my body then I ever have!  I am sick of it.

I feel like when I see all the stories of people going from a size whatever to a super small size I cannot even fathom my bones alone fitting into that size.  But I have seen pictures!  Of women who were BIGGER than me to start and they are in a size 4 pants!  Say what!?  I am not sure if you stripped all the fat and skin off my bones that my pelvis alone would fit into a 4 pants!  As an adult I have never been smaller than a size 14.   How will I get there?  How long will it take?  Is it even possible?!

I am not patient.  I am bitchy today and I am roaring.  Lots of stuff in my head.  No regrets ...just a LOT of frustration!

Six weeks out!

Soooooo it's been six weeks since surgery.  I am down a total of 35 lbs.  In a month since my last appointment I lost 15lbs.  The surgeon was happy with this.  I was not.  I am still losing consistently 2-4 lbs per week.  I know this is a nice healthy way to lose but I am still wishing it to come off faster. Oh we'll, patience was never one of my better traits. 

The surgeon gave me the okay to start a more strenuous work out.  I an going to start some resistance work outs.  And lifting small weights. 

I talked about how I have been depressed and have had some mini panic attacks.  I asked if I could go back on my psyche meds.  He said I could try but not sure how effective the Welbutrin XL will be.  Because of the bypass, the extended release meds may or may not work.  But my Celexa should work.  I don't really WANT to be on the meds but I know I am better with them.  I have anxious thoughts and the meds help with these.  So I have taken them almost a week now and it's too soon to tell.  I have an appointment with my PCP in June and I will definitely know by then if they are working.

So below are some pictures.  I have been looking back on some older pictures and realized that I had gotten pretty big.  Everyone says I carried my weight well.  I saw someone today that I have not seen all winter.  He didn't say anything about me looking differently.  ( I mean men don't usually say things like that but still) I was surprised.  I think I look different.  Even before surgery I had lost about 20ish lbs.  So the last time this person saw me was like 50 something lbs ago.  I dunno.... I cannot wait for the moment when someone sees me, that hasn't seen me in awhile, or may/may not know about the surgery notices how different I look.
I wonder when the time will come when I don't "feel" like a fat girl.  When I am walking around and I feel different.  I wonder if I will always look at myself as a plus sized girl even when I am not? 

Six week photo
From now on I am going to try to wear a cami and some black pants for every picture.


Monday, April 1, 2013

What I want this blog to be

I want this blog to be awesome!  Lol!
I mean, who doesn't love awesomeness?!
But I want this blog to be something that inspires people.  Or at the very least entertains people to want to come back and see more or just come back out of curiosity to read my craziness?  I act like I don't like people LOL!  But I really do love people!  I love meeting people, talking with people and listening to people.  I like being social most of the time.  People say that I am funny and fun to be around.  I like to make people laugh.

I am inspired by this blog:  http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/

I think she is amazing.  
She has SO much to show/offer the WLS community and if you have not heard of her
or seen her 
you need to check it out. She has been keeping her blog since she started her weight loss journey back in 2006 so it is nice to read about the things she has been through. She has magnificent recipes! I am STILL amazed she has not published a cookbook yet! She totally needs too! Cause I know I would buy it! I would like to have all her recipes in one place. She is an inspiration! I find LOTS of useful things on her site and go on almost every day! I have not figured out how to use this blogger to my advantage as much as she has but I have only just begun. She has giveaways and fun things.

I would love to have these things here as well. Maybe in the future I can also put some of my own recipes and fun things. I am finding that I have been creative with food and finding new healthy ways to prepare things. I want my blog to be fun and inspirational too!

I don't want or need this blog to always be about my personal journey with weight loss surgery. Hey, this blog is here for me too and sometimes I need to just sit down and bitch. Sometimes a good bitch fest feels good AND makes others feel like they are not alone!

So stay tuned dear readers and check back in often! Big things are on the horizon!! This Friday I go see the surgeon and hoping he is happy with my progress and gives me clearance to start lifting weights and for some more intense strength training. Wish me luck!



Perception of beauty

What is YOUR perception of beauty?  Is it what's visible or not visible?  Is it long luxurious hair or how someone makes you feel when you are around them?  When people think of beauty it usually is society's idea of beauty whether we like to think of it or not we have been been brain washed all our lives what is considered beautiful.

Looking up pictures of women from the 17th and 18th century you will see women who were healthy, plump doing real life things like nursing their children and tending to their homes and families.  As time went on our waists became smaller, our faces became thinner and seemingly faded more away from our families.  If you were fuller in figure back in those times, chances are you were well off as only those who could afford food!  So basically your full shape showed your social status.

What has changed that it seems like we, as women, have become so disconnected from our bodies?  Oh man, I could go on about this but I don't want to get all my women's lib friends' panties in a bunch!  But what I am saying is it is time for us to be one with our bodies.  No matter what your size... Love it!  If you are healthy ... Big or small, short or tall, plus size or pint size ... Love it!

I loved myself before surgery.  I really, truly did.  There were times I wished I was thinner but ya know what? Why?  Why did I wish that?  Because that's what we are taught to think we should be thinking.  Society does not like fatness.  Fatness represents laziness and sloth.  Gluttony and greediness.  This may seem harsh but it is true.  But since surgery I have really been looking around.  Like "really, really" looking around and ya know what... There are not many people who fit into that little box of fitness or ideal image around.  So why do we think anyone is better than anyone else?

I don't know.

My daughter is not a small girl. Her pediatrician nicely put it like this. "Over the next year we will want to keep your weight steady so the height can catch up.  So lets focus on eating healthy, drinking lots of water and exercising". Basically she is saying right now my daughter is wider than she is tall so according to "the chart" (that God damn dreaded chart) .... She is fat.  Now my kid is no fool... She understood what the ped was saying.  She came out of the office kinda sad.  And then finally after a few silent moments in the car ride she blurted out, "Did she basically call me fat?"  Trying to keep a straight face, cause she was so serious when she said it, I said no.  She was saying that "the chart" was saying that she needed to allow her body time to catch up height wise .... YEA OK ... She was saying you are fat.  Or over weight for your age and height.  She knows her mom struggles with weight.  She didn't know me when I was 164lbs like her dad did.  She hasn't even seen me this thin.  My son mentioned how thin my arms looked!  Lol! So she was kinda somber for the rest of that day and I was kinda pissed that she had to face a sudden harsh reality of it all.

But I want my daughter to know that she IS beautiful the way she is.  She knows she is not as thin as mostly all of her friends ( I mean don't these teenage girls eat for Pete's sake?) my daughter eats pretty well.  I have been changing the eating haits of the family for awhile now but even when I was at my personal biggest, my kids never really saw me eat the really bad things.  I always had healthy choices for them.  I am not worried about my son ... He is like 2% body fat!  We have NO idea where the hell he came from.  He did not have that chubby stage.  He just skipped over it.  He is tall and keeps getting taller and he is lean ... Like really lean.  And the sucky thing is he eats like a jerk!  Lol! We all just don't get it.  I know my daughter will be tall.  I am not to worried but she is not a physical person.  We both know this.  She would rather sit and read, color, write stories and do other sit still activities than hop on a bike, go for a walk or move her body.  So we are working on this.  We are also working on boredom eating because we both know this is an area that is hard for her.  And portion control.  I want her to recognize where her issues are before they become a problem.  She knows them, recognizes them and wants to better herself.  Not for society, not to fit in with her friends but because SHE wants to be healthy and happy.  She knows she may never be thin, per se, but she wants to be happy. And being thin isn't always equal to happiness.

I don't want her to think surgery is an option for her because realistically it should only be an option if all other options have failed. I didn't go through my life thinking hey, ya know what, let me just eat and eat whatever I want because I have surgery as an option. I did what I thought was right for me at the time. I didn't think about food really as good or bad. I ate when I was hungry. Did I make good choices, obviously not often but I didn't eat like a fool if I go back and analyze my eating habits. And when I started getting larger over time, I thought it was just a natural progression of having babies, nourishing them in womb and feeding them outside the womb (nursing my daughter for 12 months). Then picking off their plates cause damn you can't waste that food. It was not like I was feeding them bad food! And time goes on, we get stuck in a rut and well shit happens!

I want my children, especially my daughter, to be mindful of food. I want her to realize while she does NOT have to fit into society's often unrealistic version of what a healthy woman should look like, she should be careful because she has a predisposition to be obese. It's just a genetic fact. I want her to nourish her body. I want to teach her moderation and balance. And I want to lead by example that while I didn't learn these habits and lessons early enough, I want her to.

Because that's what moms do.

She is beautiful and so am I ... Before AND after surgery.

And even though over time our perception of beauty has changed ... It is not my job to make it better. I am not here to fight society's version of what I should look like, feel like or act like. I am here for my husband and my children. I am here for myself. To be happy and healthy in the skin I am in.

Cause it's just a space suit anyway until we get to something else.

