Monday, March 25, 2013


I find comfort in routine.  I know the same thing over and over can bore some people.  But I find comfort in it.  I do the same things each day and it give me comfort in knowing the plan.  This has especially helped me since the surgery.

I go to work for 11pm.  Come home for 6:15.  Make the kids lunches.  6:45am I am out the door with one kid.  I come back for 7:00 and get the other one moving.  During this time I feed the chickens and will empty the dishwasher or switch a load of laundry.  Then kid two and I in the car to the bus stop.  Drop off: 7:30.  Back at the house 7:35.  I take my pills and have a little bite to eat before resting my body.  Sometimes I go right to bed depending on how much sleep I got the night before.  But I always get into bed by 10-10:30 at the latest.  The boy comes home by 2:15 and causes quite a ruckus!  Seriously it's like a herd of elephants coming into the house.  Sometimes I lay in bed until about 3 and try to doze off a bit but usually my alarm is set for 2:45.  Then the girl comes home about 2:45-3:30 depending on what after school activities she has.  I spend my afternoon doing various bills, housework, pet care, dinner preparation, etc.  I try to get some form of exercise in at this time as well.  We have dinner around 5:30-6 and the huz and I will try to catch up about our day and any other business of the house or bills we need to discuss.  Sometimes we will watch a show.  Somewhere around 7ish I will lay back down and catch a few hours before starting it all over again.

Thursdays are my favorite day.  I get out of work and do my routine with the kids and then usually do not go to sleep because I do not have to work that night.  I have Fridays off!  This is going to be bitching when the weather gets warmer because after TOPS I will have all that day to come home, do yard work, etc.  I am sooooo looking forward to being out in the sun and in the dirt!

There are some other stuff I tend to stuff in my day but that's about how it goes.  I do not pack too
much into my day for myself or the kids as why add the stress?  I know it is good to have the kids involved with stuff and the boy is going to start up his children's recreation program again in the next month or so.  And the girl has scouts on Tuesday nights.  I just see so many families with their days so packed that really ... What is the point?  What's so wrong with staying home as a family?  We eat together  at dinner, we talk, the kids do their own thing and play in their rooms.  They play games, read, watch TV.

It seems like there are some families that are never home.  Damn!  I pay a mortgage!  Get outside and enjoy your property!  Lol!  Stay inside and enjoy your home!  You are paying for it!  I love it in the nice weather when the kids are running around outside.  Riding their bikes, roller blading, swimming in the pool, playing with the dogs.  And sometimes (if I pay them) helping me in the yard or the gardens.  It is their home too and they like to help out and when they don't ... Hey money talks baby!

I try not to get too upset when things fluctuate.  I try to bend with it... Go with the flow but I have noticed over the years I have become less and less spontaneous.  Not to sure if this is necessarily a bad thing.  I am a creature of habit.  I think we all are and that's not such bad thing is it?  I think it keeps me grounded.  I like the feeling of knowing what is going to happen and when for the most part.  I think it is what keeps me focused especially on my plan to a healthier life.

Since before WLS I have been preparing meals and snacks ahead of time and putting real thought into what I and the family is eating.  When you have a plan and things available to you to implement that plan it makes sticking to your goal much more attainable.  The weekends are a little bit more willy nilly.

Saturday mornings I work from 8am-2pm. Sometimes the huz works Sat nights but lately not too often. So we hang out or go shopping for the week.

I also find comfort in the FB WLS support group and a few blogs I follow that helped me tremendously before surgery AND after.
They are:

As well as my favorite funky girl I follow on YouTube, Jenna. Her YouTube name is: herecomestrouble88
She just had reconstructive surgery. She got her breasts and tummy done! She looks amazing!

I was thinking about making a video or two but I know I won't like it. I am more of a writer. But videos can be fun too. We'll see.

I never really felt I used food for comfort so I don't feel like I needed to change too much in that area. As I mentioned in one of my other posts. I used sleep and retail therapy for comfort! Lol!

Off to do some chores!
~ T

I am adding a picture of me and the big guy at the end here cause I think I am in love with this picture!

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