Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Happy Valentine’s Day
And happy fifth surgiversary to me!

I honestly do not have the energy to write much today but did not want this day to go by without recognizing for myself how far I have come in five years since my gastric bypass surgery five years ago today.
I specifically chose Valentine’s Day those five years ago so I would always remember it was a day I chose to love myself and do something about my health.
I am weighing in at about 195”ish”
That is 30lbs from where I want/should be and I do not feel that great about it.  That being said, I have a tremendous amount of stressors going on in my life right now and I am on a medication that is known for weight gain but has been completely necessary to add into my mental health regimen for the time being.  It is cold, I am tired, I sleep when I can and do not exercise.  Soooooooo not that I am giving myself excuses but for a chick that was almost 300lbs five years ago and have only gained 30 in five years ... give me a fucking break! LOL.
I WILL save you from all my crazy life anguish (will write on that soon)
But as the weather IS getting better I foresee me working in the yard more, going for walks more and generally having a better handle on my schedule and ultimately my diet.
While I do not indulge in a lot of junk, a huge issue of mine (which has always been) is just not eating or drinking at all.  And that plus not moving is a recipe for disaster.
So I have goals.
I just need more sunshine.
Hey, I bought a pair of legit sneakers for the first time in three years so really.
Here’s to more vitamin D, longer days, flowers blooming and long walks on the beach.
And perhaps a few lost pounds.
Thanks for sticking by my side.

Peace to you and yours always and in all ways

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