Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Whoa ... Where has the time gone?!

Soooooo .... Since my "coming home" post ... So much has happened!  I went to my post op appointment with my surgeon AND my dietician.  Both went really really well.  Dr. Roye was SO incredibly busy I didn't get to ask him nearly the amount of stuff I wanted to but after analyzing what I was going to ask I realized it was probably more questions for my dietician anyway.  I was not concerned about anything from the surgery per se.  So he said I had lost 21 lbs since the last time I saw him which was about a month ago (a month before surgery) he said I was ahead of schedule.  I was kinda bummed, though.  I wanted it to be more.  But he assured me that was excellent.  I am
Skied what the usual lost was and he said about 10lbs a month.  I am SO FN impatient!
We set an appointment for a month out. My appointment is earlier in the day next month so maybe the doc won't be so busy :)


The appointment with the dietician went really well also.  Got to spend a LOT of time there!  Got my cool body print out from the fancy pantsy scale!  I also asked for my past three print-outs as well.  Whoa!  Crazy!
I wanted to know mainly about sugar alcohols. I found this on google ...

A sugar alcohol, also known as a polyol, is an interesting type of carbohydrate. Its structure is kind of a hybrid between a sugar molecule and an alcohol molecule (hence the name “sugar alcohol”) and, for the most part, our bodies do a poor job of digesting and breaking down sugar alcohol in the small bowel. It’s also sweet to the tongue and resistant to fermentation by oral bacteria, meaning sugar-free gum manufacturers employ it judiciously to sweeten their products without causing cavities. Our colonic bacteria, however, can and do ferment the stuff. For that reason, it’s a kind of prebiotic that, as Kurt Harris points out, can stimulate diarrhea and exacerbate existing irritable bowel syndrome-

related symptoms. Common side effects of sugar alcohol consumption (or over-consumption) include bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. Sugar alcohols are not quite non-caloric, but all contribute fewer calories than sucrose, and their effects on insulin and blood sugar (if any) are pretty minimal.

So basically she said I could get lots of trips to the bathroom!  Lol!  I had found an ice cream by Blue Bunny that would satisfy my ice cream love and it was low in sugar the <5 sugar but the sugar alcohol was like 12.  She said if my tummy could tolerate it then it was ok.  My tummy tolerated it.  I don't plan on having them often actually as of now I have only had one.  They are super tiny but yummy.  We talked about the foods that I have been eating ... Yes, I said I would be honest at the start of this journey and will tell ya that I was sick of puréed foods and had eaten some regular stuff.  She seemed ok"ish" about this but would have proffered me to stay on the puréed for another week.  I had tried some tuna, some banana, zucchini in scrambled egg ... Not too bad but not puréed.  I kinda let my teeth do the purée part.  Isn't that what they are for?  Just sayin'
Overall she was very pleased with my progress and could see I was determined!  I think that was really important.


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