Friday, December 30, 2016

Almost four years out ... the four leaf clover

Year four ... in one and one half months I will be four years out from gastric bypass.  
Entering year four ... the number four is a cool number.
Number 4 is the number of stability, order and completion of justice
Number 4 is the number of the earth and mankind.
Number 4 is the number of the square.
Number 4 symbolizes building a strong foundation.
Four years from when I decided to change my entire insides.

  I think about this sometimes.  I went and had surgery performed that forever changes the way my body will process food, fuel that I put into my body. And that is how I have to think about food now ... as fuel.  I think more about food since having the surgery than I EVER DID BEFORE SURGERY. It is such a weird feeling.  Before I would just eat to eat.  After surgery it is always thinking ... is this food providing me with the proper nutrients for my body, my brain.  Is it giving me the protein I need? Blah, blah, blah ... I am sick of thinking about food. And I will be honest ... once you forget thinking about food, you gain weight. Year one, I lost 120 lbs like a cake walk. A HUGE jump start and relief for my system.  Sleep apnea gone, GERD GONE and diabetes ... gone.
Year two went on to maintain and gained a few pounds back which I was thankful for because I was looking sickly but I knew my body would figure it out. 
Year three ... maintained for almost all until I entered the working world. Last 
September I got a full-time "real world" working job. 
Within a few months I gained 20lbs.  Not a HUGE deal for some or most.  But I also felt different.  I could go to a restaurant and eat almost all of the food on a plate.  Gone were the days of bringing home food to eat for lunch and dinner the next day.  Gone were the days of being a cheap date! Lol! 
I thought it was the food I was eating at work but I stopped eating the food and started bringing salads. So um no. I was making poor food choices.  A Taco Bell trip here ... some mozzarella sticks there but damn twenty pounds just stayed! 
A friend of mine started up a chapter of TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) a wonderful supportive group where you do your own thing to try to lose weight, weigh in each week and hold one another accountable.  There are contests, challenges.  I have been a member a year now and can say that while I still have not lost the twenty ... I have not gained anymore either.  If it keeps me maintaining where I am , and I believe it does that may be okay for me.But there was another thing bothering me.  Why WAS I able to eat more, feel hungry more?   But yet on some days I could barely bring myself to eat anything because I was not hungry at all.  I do NOT DRINK CARBONATED BEVERAGES! Whew THAT is super painful, nor do I eat a bunch of junk food.  And now sometimes I had a pain just under my ribs sometimes when I ate and more and more food was making it on the DNE (Do Not Eat) list. It was becoming quite frustrating.  So sometimes  I could sit down for a whole meal and sometimes I would sit down and have two bites and would be Thanksgiving Day full.  
I decided it was time to take a trip to the doc.  The first thing we did was an 
upper GI.  This is when you swallow some crappy tasting stuff and they record it by X-ray image going all through your insides. Super duper awesome!! The doc wanted to make sure there was no way food or anything was getting into the stomach that was separated from the pouch created by the bypass.  Or that things were not stretched at the top or bottom of my pouch. 

Results .... everything looks good. Good ...yes of course, I didn't want issues but now what was the freaking issue? There was one area that the doc said could be a bit larger than it should be if you look at the image on it you will see where I have circled.  He referred me to the other doc in his office to look at for a procedure called overstitch.  See YouTube video.
It may be that the doc will look at it and may think it is not even worth it to go in.  Maybe he will think it is worth it.  I will find out in February.  Maybe he will think it is worth it but I won't want to do it.  Me and anesthesia are not friends. So I may not think it is worth it. 
Ultimately ... admittedly I have not TRIED HARD enough to lose the weight.  I am healthy and comfortable and still have no other health problems.  Maybe this is the weight I am supposed to be.  I have always trusted my body before.  I still have a month and a half to decide. For now I will make a few small adjustments to my lifestyle. 
I never ever ever regret getting the gastric bypass surgery.  It was something I wish I had done sooner but glad I made the decision to do it when I did.  I am not perfect and know there are things I can do now so I will do them.  If you are here because YOU are thinking about the RNY bypass or the sleeve or any form of bariatric surgery ... know it is a tool not a lifetime solution. Fix your issues beforehand. It WILL forever change your life.  It has changed mine for the better but not without its struggles here and there. 
Stay peaceful my friends. 


Thursday, December 1, 2016

It gets done ...

Some days she has no idea how she will do it ....
But every. Single. Day.
It gets done.

What makes us resilient? What makes some create when others crumble?
What makes some persevere while others perish?

This has been a trying year. And there is still a month to go.
I choose to be strong despite the obstacles.
Despite the monster knocking at the door.
Despite the doubts, the wishes that never came true, the what-ifs and the could-haves.

Choosing your path is powerful.

Choosing to continue to be yourself in a world of who-am-I mentality is empowering.

Stay the course.
Billow out those sails ... let the wind capture you and just go!


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Choose love this holiday season.

We live in a world of too much "stuff" and not enough of the stuff that is free like love, compassion, empathy, tolerance and friendship.  This holiday season I am asking anyone who would normally think about getting any material items for my family (including the kids) please donate that money to my friend Matt Houde's page for the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics.
My family does not need "things". We are actually looking to go extreme minimizing in 2017 for goals we are looking at for our future.  I have been blessed with a roof over my head in this little house by the sea for fifteen years, a happy marriage for twenty and two beautiful healthy children.  Tony Ward Jr. and I want to support Matt and his craziness to go plunging into the bay and freeze his *#% off and his support for Special Olympics.  As you know, Hunter has been involved with Special Olympics in the past and it is an awesome organization.  And Hailey  is looking to be involved in the future (she is thinking about soccer)
Let me tell you about Matt who you will be supporting.  Matt is one of my sweetest friends.  We have known one another since high school. He has seen some hard times.  During these times when things were rough, I have never known him to faulter, give up or not try harder to be the best he can be.  He is always smiling and never negative. He is a phenomenal father to his daughter, Nancy, who he is plunging for.  She is a great kid , who despite her own obstacles, is always smiling.  I assure you that your donation could not support a more deserving family and organization.
Just sharing this will help too!
In a time where it's all about things, things, things ... please consider a non-materialistic gift.  I would love for him to be able to CRUSH his goal of $200 in record breaking time and show him that there are gifts that are greater than materialistic items and they come in the form of support, friendship, kindness and love.
Blessings to you all and let us all be blessed with good health and love in this upcoming holiday season!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Burdening of the Young

Let's all just step back and take a breather.
Our kids are listening to our words and how WE are handling things.  They are bringing their stresses with them to school.  They are worrying.
These are grown up problems people.
It is one thing to inform your kids but to BURDEN them is not necessary.
Things have NOT happened yet.  It is our job to reassure them we are here to keep them safe, love them, educate them, empower them.
Stress that your family is safe.
Be together
Carefully consider your child's maturity and temperament
Consider your own reactions. Your kids will look to the way you handle the news to determine their own approach. If you stay calm and rational, they will, too.

I work in a therapeutic school and today was rough.  I was there with reassurance for my students that these ARE grown up problems and I hear their voice but humans are resilient and often in the most bleakest of times we have shown time and time again that we can always find hope and fight for what is right.

ITS OKAY people to not have an opinion around your kids/students about this election so as to help quell their fears.  And as an educator I absolutely have NO opinion to share with my students.
You can reassure your kids that life will go on and the world is NOT ending.
I feel PRETTY STRONGLY that we need to make sure this message gets in.
With all the fear and anxiety running wild the last few months, we need to proactively reassure them that they are safe and they are loved.

Kids feel it, and their anxiety is real, said Lori Edelson, owner and director of the Birmingham Maple Clinic, who also is a therapist.

"The most damaging situations are when the parents communicate their own anxiety and fear, that’s when the child’s own anxiety and fear are amplified even more," she said. "But if mom and dad look like they get what’s going on — and it’s not a big deal, like a kid in school throwing a temper tantrum — it doesn’t have the same traumatic effect. ... We have to remember as parents that even if it makes us anxious and scared we have to communicate calm.
“I’m also going to tell them that nothing is going to change overnight,” Ellis says. “I want them to feel safe. As educators, that’s what we do in difficult times.”

In the end, we all know what a good sport looks like.  We all have to be good sports, and we can’t win all the time. That’s what a democracy is really all about. It’s the majority rules. There’s always a minority. There’s always a loser.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The difference ...

The decorations are already out.  People are either complaining or rejoicing.  The choice is always up to you how you choose to go into the season.  I move into October with a grateful heart as it is my wedding anniversary month and my lovey's birthday month.
I keep the holidays as low key as possible.  Hunter never, ever was a Halloween kid, Thanksgiving has its stresses and Christmas was the the max overload  of sensory issues.  As we have gotten older Tony and I have decided to have the holidays as more of a four of us family unit thing. The kids are happier and so are we.  We celebrate one another so much during our every day lives that the holidays almost seem unnecessary.  We try to teach the kids that all year we should be caring, loving, tolerant and compassionate.  While I appreciate what a lot of people and organizations do for people during the holiday season, I also feel like why not implement such practice during the WHOLE course of the year.  Tell people as often as you can how much you love them.  Tell your friends how much you appreciate their friendship in June as much as December. 
That's just my two cents folks.  I am done preach' now read/watch actor Michael Beach do his thing.

From the movie Ms. Scrooge.
Actor Michael Beach as Reverend Luke delivered this speech in front of his congregation. 
Best speech ever. 
To watch click the link below or you can just read.

Skip to 5:14 

Christmas ... the holidays ... are supposed to be all about giving, right?  All about sharing and helping one another.  I mean we already hear so many stories about it.
Well, I have one more story to tell.  And it isn't one of these true to life stories.  This story ... this story is from the "other side".  Its about the difference between heaven and hell.

It seems there is these two fellas; one from heaven and one from ... well, ya know ... the other place.
They get together one day to compare notes about what its like in heaven and in hell.
The man from heaven asks what it's like down there ... what its REALLY like in hell.
"Whew" the man from hell responds "It's terrible!  We get really tired and hungry from feeding the furnaces all day ya know.  Then they sit us down at these huge banquet tables FILLED with food.  PILED high with delicious food.  All kids of wonderful food.  The devil comes out and says "All you can eat!  Help yourselves!  Have seconds ... thirds even!  There is just one rule.  You must be polite and you must use your fork.  NO grabbing food here in hell"  SO there we are all ready to dig in and eat some of that wonderful food.  And we reach down to pick up our forks.  And every one of those forks have a handle that is THREE feet long.  There is NO WAY in the world we can get that food in our mouths and that ol' devil stands there laughing and laughing over and over every single night and I tell you it is torture something AWFUL!"  
"Well" says the other man "we've got big banquet tables of food in heaven too. And our forks ... our forks they have the same handles no WAY we can feed ourselves either.  Exactly the same problem.  So we just sit down .... and feed each other"
They feed each other ... now WHAT an idea!  What an amazing thing to do!  
MAKES ALL the difference between feast and famine ... between happiness and torture!

Now how come nobody in Hell thought of that?
Not. One. Soul.
Well no one down in Hell thought of that because that is not they way they THINK.
That's why they are DOWN there in the first place.
It would NEVER occur to them to do anything for any body else.
And THAT'S their curse.
And THAT is the real pain of living in Hell.

You see ... it is the curse they laid upon themselves when they walked the Earth.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Mourning Supergirl

I was thinking the other day.
MAN when I was "fat" I was one strong bitch!
No joke! I could bench press 245 for one at least (hmmmm I will have to double check that info as I AM getting old as well)
I was strong! Too bad I didn't do any deadlifts back then cause I would really be curious what I could lift.  Currently I can deadlift only 205lbs.
I would whip air conditioners in and out of windows like no ones business, carry ALL the grocery bags in on one hand, move stuff up and down stairs like a champ and I felt strong.
As I have said in previous posts ... I was never "unhappy" per se with my weight.  I was still energetic, a whackadoo and outgoing.  I have always had a pretty strong self esteem and a healthy amount of self confidence. I did it ALL for health.

But I kinda miss my curves.  I miss my boobs. Yes that's right I said it! I miss my strength most of all.
My boobs are like deflated balloons (thank god for good bras) and the skin hanging from the weight loss forces me to wear a spanx type tank top under EVERYTHING or it moves around and is uncomfortable.  I also get rashes and sores.

I have gained about 15-20lbs that I need/want to get rid of but I have pretty much decided I am going for the skin removal surgery next year.  And I may just throw in the boob lift/reconstruction just for shits and giggles to get all the pain over with.  This will hopefully almost all be covered by medical and if now ... Hell, we will figure it out.
I am not doing it for vanity.  I am tired of getting rashes and sores under my breasts and double stomach skin hang.  I am tired of wearing this damn spanx thing AND a cami under everything I wear.  I am scared to death as I hear that surgery is no joke but I have had the gastric bypass AND major back surgery. I am sure I will be fine.

I felt like Supergirl before.
I started lifting again but was pretty disappointed in myself.  I don't feel nearly as strong as before.  I know that after the gastric bypass muscle loss is huge.  Protein is important but it is incredibly hard to get so much protein in when your belly is the size of an egg plus trying to stay hydrated, trying to stay up with your vitamins needed after surgery etc.  I am stronger than I was when I started but feel discouraged sometimes when lifting.  I don't have that "explosion" like I did when I was younger and yes .... Fatter.  Maybe it is both.  I am sure age is a huge factor as well.

They say muscle has memory ... I think mine have dementia.

But I have nine months before the skin removal so let's get this party started.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Mattering ....

I have suffered a loss ... Last summer was a huge eye opener for me and a terrible time of mourning something special.  I was supposed to be celebrating something that was so important in my life ... Two years of working on finally finishing my Bachelors in Psychology.  It was a hard road and right up until the end I could almost not even believe it was right there in sight.  The first year I worked full time third shift and attended full time classes ( and going through a LOT with my ASD son and freshly diagnosed girl teenager with depression/anxiety disorder and partial hospitalization with her for that).  The second year I was not working but had suffered an injury and needed back surgery and STILL attended full time.  It was a LOT of pressure on me and my family but I am so amazed and proud that I did it.  

But with all that accomplishment came the biggest disappointment of my life. 
I try to be a good friend.  
I ALWAYS try to be there unless life has REALLY REALLY REALLY grabbed hold of me by the gonads and I just cannot follow through for a friend.  Bleeding to death or vommitting like Linda Blaire in the exorcist will often stop me from following through as well.  
But the article at the end of this blog entry (you will have to copy and paste it in your browser to go to it) could have legit been written by me and I wish I had read it a year ago.  Not that I would not still be in mourning or still second guessing decisions I have made.  But I made it.  The decision. I have hard lines.  One hard line is seeing my kid(s) hurting. So it is what it is.
All I ever wanted from my friends is to show the same love that I show them.  I have some pretty amazing friends that have shown me more love than I have ever known in the past year.  They are amazing.  Some I didn't even realize that were always there all along. 

The pain is still there and it may take years.  Mourning is a process. 

But let me say this.  If a friend needs/wants you there ...

Just show up.

Here is the article ...


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Staying motivated

Staying motivated is fucking hard.  And anyone who tells you otherwise is just lying.  There are SO many things that go on in my head that I want to do or want to work on and for some reason I cannot stay motivated or the allure of a good nap takes precedence over anything else I am doing or thinking of doing.  I did realize tonight that I have done SO much changing the past five years.  My mind, body, spirit and emotional health has really come a long way and I should be enthusiastically proud of that but it is human nature to always want more or not think you have done enough or achieved enough.
But I cannot find the DRIVE to want more.  I mean I "want" more but I feel like there is literally NOT enough time. 
I am trying to be patient and wait for the feeling of motivation for specific things to come. Patience is tough for me when I want results but in order to see results you have to actually start something right? 
I am still struggling with intermittent depression/anxiety and doing my best to not let it show ... But that's hard too.
Life is hard.

And anyone who tells you otherwise is just lying ... 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Mutant beginnings ...

If you are here YAY!
I am going to start posting stuff about my lifting etc soon! Stay posted!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

And the lucky winner is ....

So I just noticed that my blog has been viewed over 6000 times!!! I was hoping to get on RIGHT when it hit 6000 but I got here at 6004! 
I want to thank my viewers for looking in on me and reading my rambles and being patient with me and interested in me ... Bless your hearts! So if you are here ... Please leave a comment and in a few days I will give each comment a number and randomly draw and someone will win something special from ME!!! 
I promise to blog more, try to make this place a bit more interesting  ... Let me know what YOU would like to know more of! 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

And So She Woke Up ....

You know when you have one of those dreams where you talk to someone who is no longer in your life and you say to them all the things you want/need to say.  You unload it all ... And it becomes the most therapeutic thing ever.

You have all the emotions ... Sad, anger, relief, joy, disappointment and closure.
You wake up feeling it was real and you feel a bit better.

Yea that happened last night. What a feeling! 
It literally felt SO real. And while I know it was not ... My heart is a bit lighter today.
And it feels good. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sweet child of mine .... Sixteen already!

Happy SWEET 16 Birthday to this kid right here!

She is my little peach! Very shy wee kid and always thought it was just that. As she grew though it became evident it was something more. She has been suffering with anxiety/depressive disorder for a few years now and I am so proud of all the progress she has made since the beginning.  She is an A-B student, still plays the clarinet ( for 8 years now), and an Ambassador level Girl Scout.  She is creative, compassionate, caring and smart. I understand how the struggle is and that makes me appreciate her battle all the more.  Sometimes when anxiety grips you and you are shutting down people will see you as rude or insensitive ... It is my job to help her understand that no one is fighting her battle but her and she just needs to work on her healing and in time she will learn how to navigate situations better.  I am fortunate and BLESSED that she loves her mom and dad and trusts us. She listens and learns (as much as her disorder allows) and tries to make herself a better person because she knows this is a lifelong battle.  She is brave.  She is strong and her dad and I are proud.

She amazes me with her intuition. The way she will say things I was just thinking two minutes before. The way she loves animals. I love the way she sees the injustices in the world today and feels so passionately about fixing them.  I love that she wants to stick up for the little guy.  I love the way she asks questions and how comfortable I feel answering them  maturely because I know she can handle the hard answers now.  She became a woman before my eyes and I am so proud of her.
She is amazing!

We love you Hailey Rose.  Our Rosie, our Rosebud.
Hope you birthday is the happiest ever!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Feeling of the Season of Sun

The sad truth is we are all missing someone ... And hope they are missing us too.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Challenge accepted!

I can remember when a wee crying baby came into the world at 9lbs 5oz.
I remember what we decided his name was going to be.
I remember when I realized he was different than ALL the other babies, all the other toddlers and all the other pre-teens, teenagers ... Adults.
This boy was SO smart!
Standing at five months to pull his mobile down on his crib, figuring out how to climb out of his crib at nine months and escaping his screened in room from at a year.
But he did not speak.
No mama, no dada, no baba ...
Incoherent grunts, screaming, crying, pointing ... Tantrums!

This boy who I didn't think would ever survive kindergarten, elementary years.  Middle school, high school, driving a car ... Graduating.

We had no help or any services when he was small or any time.  No ABA, no HBTS, no respite, no PASS, no CEDDAR, no SSI.
I have been this boy's advocate, his speech pathologist, his occupational therapist, his play therapist, his teacher.  I sometimes feel as though I have been robbed of just being his mother.

Such care and thought went into trying to show him he is more than his diagnosis given to him so late in life of Aspergers at age eleven.
He has been called spoiled, stubborn, lazy, not working to his potential ... We have had good

educators and bad ones.  Doctor after doctor, therapist after therapist, medication after medication.

It has all come to this point that I never thought he would get to.  Graduation.
It's amazing when you sit with your baby and wonder ... What will he sound like when he speaks?  Then not hear him say mama until about three years old.  So many struggles.  So much crying, wondering, sleepless nights.

Now my worries are different.  Will he understand if someone tries to take advantage of him? Will he follow the wrong kids because they know he has Autism and he wants to be cool? Will he be able to hold a job? Will he ever be able to live on his own? Will he ever find a girl who will understand his MANY quirks and eccentricities? And love and appreciate them?

For now I am going to just enjoy the process and hope he can make it through graduation.
He is a bit nervous as am I.  This is a big step into the real world.  The small bites he has taken have not truly prepared him for the real meal of full fledged adulthood.  No more getting up and knowing exactly what he is doing.  Exactly what is expected of him.

It will be a challenge.  The one thing Hunter has never ever deprived us with is a damn good challenge.

Here we go boy .... Take a deep breath and ....jump ....

Monday, June 13, 2016

Heartache NoMore

I have always been the best friend I can be.  I have been there for highs and for some ... At their rock bottom when they were in despair! I don't ask for much.  I usually don't ask for anything at all. I like being a good friend it makes me feel happy to make other people happy and to know that people can count on me when they need me. No matter when ... if they need anything at all in the middle of exams, in the middle the night or for anything. But I guess I can't make everybody happy and sometimes no matter what you do it's just not good enough. But I know that I am a good friend and that I can be a good friend. If other people don't know that ... that is their loss. Myheart is not aching anymore.
I do not however like passive aggressiveness.  I still say that if you have something to say ... say it to my face.  It never ends!  I constantly feel like I'm in high school. I mean ... give me a break and grow up.  People know where to find me.  I am always prepared to defend myself if I'm defending myself against the truth.  If you're asking me to defend myself against lies well then I have nothing to give to you and that kind of fight is not worth my energy.

 Short and sweet.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Soft Memories

Happy Easter

Few things going on in this life of mine.

I joined a group called TOPS. Take Off Pounds Sensibly.
I have gained about 20 unwanted pounds. Eh it happens.  So this is a group of wonderful ladies who get together once a week and hold one another accountable.  We weigh in.  We laugh, cry, bond and don't judge.  I need it to get back on track.  So far .... Well .... We'll see.

Still feeling like I am crawling out of my own skin here and there. Still feeling that piece of loneliness that accompanies a big life decision.
But getting better every day.
Finding new company to keep.  Those who love me and appreciate me.  Nurturing friendships that I should have all along.
Loving the wonderful husband I have and my kids who need me.

Easter was always one of the holidays my mom really made special.  She would dress us up all nice.  We would have lots of family and friends around.  Colored eggs, hugs, kisses and chocolate.

My mom asked if I remember all the things we did when we were small.  I remember the feeling of those times.  Those hugs and kisses.
Colored eggs and love.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Three years ...

February 14th will mark three years out from gastric bypass surgery.
It was the day I chose as the day I was deciding to love myself and do something about my health.
It took three years for my doc to talk me into having the surgery as he saw my health declining more and more over the years due to my weight.  In September of 2012 I decided enough was enough and in Feburuary of 2013 I had done all the things I needed to do and was ready to get this done.

Three years seems just crazy to me.  In the first six months I had lost 100lbs.  In the next 3-6 months I had lost 20lbs.  Then I had lost my max.  My lowest was 148 lbs.  I looked sick and unhealthy but as I said in my previous blog ... I knew my body knew what it was doing and slowly I started putting on some weight.  I remained comfortable at 160-165 for almost a year and a half.
I am now 185.
I have 20lbs to lose.
I have begun analyzing my eating habits and trying to figure out where that 20lbs has come from.
I rejoined my TOPS group with a bunch of amazing ladies.  (TOPS - Taking Off Pounds Sensibly)
I am starting to slowly add more exercise in my weekly life.  I had looked back on my fitbit information (it was down for almost a year due to a lost charger) and saw that a year ago I was walking/jogging at least 3-4 times a week and over the past year have not done any of that.
I suffered a terrible time of depression this past spring/summer.  I think that is when the weight went on.  Not due to eating but due to complete lack of moving my body, sleeping as much as I could and actually NOT feeding my body like I should have been. 
Depression will kill ya.  It literally HURT to go through a tough time of depression.  All you want to do is sleep and do nothing.
Ending my college years was a huge accomplishment as well as a huge let down of emotions that are very hard to explain.  While I was proud of myself for accomplishing a goal I set out to do ... it was also clouded with a terrible realization of some things in my life that would soon come to an end.  So while it was the beginning of one thing ... it also ended up being the ending to another.  My heart burst with pride for doing something I set out to do and could show my children that you CAN be a wife, mom, daughter, friend ...
my heart also was weighed down by sorrow to find out that certain things in life are not always as they seem and something that was a HUGE part of my life would end.
Happiness and sorrow.
Greatness and grief.

After graduation I applied for my masters at RIC and did not get accepted.
SOoooooo out into the working world I went.
AMAZINGLY difficult.  After basically being a stay at home mom for 15 years ... I was facing the world in a whole new way.
I got a job and was now a "working mom".  Entering with rose-colored glasses I soon learned how the other side of the world works.
It is hard to keep a smile and fresh attitude when you enter the working world with so many other personalities.  A lot of people were "oh boy ... welcome to the real world" (see a previous post on THAT)
yup ... what I learned in the six months since working full time is this .... you find out quick what the world is ALL about.
Dealing with over a dozen personalities at one time is tough to navigate.  Not that I have not done this before ... just not on a DAILY basis. 
You find out quick that some people just don't want to be bothered, some people are genuinely sweet, some people are petty, some are interesting, some are kind, some are willing to teach and some are not, some are there for you and some are not.
Group dynamics are amazing!  I studied a lot about this in school.  Behavior and what makes people behave the way they do is something that I always had a passion for.  Wow ... did I have my work cut out for me.  Finding my place among a staff has proven much more difficult than I thought.
Grown ups are proving more difficult than I thought.  LOL
I have taken it down a few notches and am less enthusiastic than I was in the beginning but still feel like I am a good worker and can be a good friend to anyone who asks.  My rose colored glasses are less rosy but not dulled out by tough situations that have arisen. 
I have learned a lot.  Filed away a bunch of information that has allowed me to grow a bit and I feel I am a better person over all having experienced a few things.
Lesson learned.

As far as the bypass for those of you who are here for that ... I have learned if you were unhappy before and do not find out why ... You will be unhappy still after.  The more unhappy you were before ... the more you will change after.  I think people really need to analyze why they need/want the surgery.  I feel like it has made my life healthier sure ... but also I have lost things due to the surgery.  Mainly relationships.  I have lost friendships. 
I think my marriage is stronger.  My relationship with my kids is stronger.  I have made new friendships from having the surgery. 
BUT I have also LOST friendships because of the surgery.

I have gained health.  I will give this piece of advice.  Get your shit into order before considering the surgery.  Think about what makes your life joyful.  Think about what makes your life less joyful.  Think about the people who are important to you.  Think about what surrounds that importance.  Think about what relationships are worth fighting for.  Things WILL change in some way or another after surgery.  It is a lifelong thing.  Your life will improve on SO many levels but with that comes things that will happen that you would never think would happen.  Make sure you have a good support system in place.  If your marriage is a bit shaky ... work on that shit before surgery because surgery will NOT make that better unless you are willing as a team to accept the changes that come along with this lifelong decision.
Think about your relationship with food cause that is going to change IMMENSELY!  I have a hard time "enjoying" food anymore.  And EVERYONE'S experience with weight loss surgery (WLS) is different.  Not ONE SINGLE case is the same as another.  This is what is most difficult and even though you hear it before WLS you don't really have it sink in until afterwards when you hear about people who cannot eat ice cream and you still can.  Or how you cannot eat cereal like EVER ... but people after WLS have no issues.  How it took you a year to gulp down water but some people can chug it three weeks later after surgery.  You have to be willing to take the risk that you have NO IDEA what YOUR life will be like after surgery.  You know for certain something has to be done for your health and you know surgery will put you on that path but while some people path is smooth ... yours may be rocky or vice versa.  If you have control issues ... work on THAT before surgery.  Because for a long time your BODY will be telling YOU what to do.  It will be IN CONTROL.  Your mind will want one thing and your body will want another.  Mind hunger is the DEVIL.  You will need a lot of support to get through it.  Take advantage of people who want to help especially if any of those people have done WLS themselves.

Next posts will be about what I am eating these days and how the weight loss is going after three weeks.

As always ....
Be at peace.  Love yourself.  Love others.
Be kind.

 Below is my life ... the reason I live.  
For my husband, my kids and my pups!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Road Alone

Big changes in life are going to happen.
You will have people who tag along and rejoice and those who fall by the wayside and regret.
You will grow and learn from it or inherit a bitter heart.
Everyday we make a choice. 

What will you choose?
I know what I have chosen.

An enlightened heart.
