Thursday, August 25, 2016

Staying motivated

Staying motivated is fucking hard.  And anyone who tells you otherwise is just lying.  There are SO many things that go on in my head that I want to do or want to work on and for some reason I cannot stay motivated or the allure of a good nap takes precedence over anything else I am doing or thinking of doing.  I did realize tonight that I have done SO much changing the past five years.  My mind, body, spirit and emotional health has really come a long way and I should be enthusiastically proud of that but it is human nature to always want more or not think you have done enough or achieved enough.
But I cannot find the DRIVE to want more.  I mean I "want" more but I feel like there is literally NOT enough time. 
I am trying to be patient and wait for the feeling of motivation for specific things to come. Patience is tough for me when I want results but in order to see results you have to actually start something right? 
I am still struggling with intermittent depression/anxiety and doing my best to not let it show ... But that's hard too.
Life is hard.

And anyone who tells you otherwise is just lying ... 

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