We live in a world of too much "stuff" and not enough of the stuff that is free like love, compassion, empathy, tolerance and friendship. This holiday season I am asking anyone who would normally think about getting any material items for my family (including the kids) please donate that money to my friend Matt Houde's page for the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics.
My family does not need "things". We are actually looking to go extreme minimizing in 2017 for goals we are looking at for our future. I have been blessed with a roof over my head in this little house by the sea for fifteen years, a happy marriage for twenty and two beautiful healthy children. Tony Ward Jr. and I want to support Matt and his craziness to go plunging into the bay and freeze his *#% off and his support for Special Olympics. As you know, Hunter has been involved with Special Olympics in the past and it is an awesome organization. And Hailey is looking to be involved in the future (she is thinking about soccer)
Let me tell you about Matt who you will be supporting. Matt is one of my sweetest friends. We have known one another since high school. He has seen some hard times. During these times when things were rough, I have never known him to faulter, give up or not try harder to be the best he can be. He is always smiling and never negative. He is a phenomenal father to his daughter, Nancy, who he is plunging for. She is a great kid , who despite her own obstacles, is always smiling. I assure you that your donation could not support a more deserving family and organization.
Just sharing this will help too!
In a time where it's all about things, things, things ... please consider a non-materialistic gift. I would love for him to be able to CRUSH his goal of $200 in record breaking time and show him that there are gifts that are greater than materialistic items and they come in the form of support, friendship, kindness and love.
Blessings to you all and let us all be blessed with good health and love in this upcoming holiday season!
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