A New Year is upon us and the second half of 2015 sucked ass for me.
A time when a HUGE accomplishment was achieved in my life (working my ass off to get my Bachelors) ended up being clouded by heart break ... The heart break of my life.
I am left with a hole in my heart forever.
I am not healing as quickly as I have in the past or as quickly as I thought.
And I know now ... I will forever be a different person.
Maybe because I have become wiser, stronger ... Or I woke up.
Either way ... It's going to take a process of mourning that I am not quite used to.
And this time I walk it more alone than I have before.
I am exhausted from wondering why. Exhausted from trying to understand what I did. Exhausted from trying to figure things out.
I have no bitterness in my heart. I never did. Only true confusion and unconditional love.
But I am finally letting the clouds of confusion disappear and lift from my heart.
Because I have to. I owe it to those who want me to be here for them and be the best me I can be.
This year I look forward to sticking by my decisions.
Moving on from what was lost to me and raising my kids and strengthening my family.
Building new friendships in mid-life and bonding to those who were there for me all along but I never saw. Those that patiently waited for me to reach out to them ... Who were standing among the shadows but never too far for when I needed them most.
I think I have felt enough heart ache in this past year and I am ready....
I am choosing to walk away. I am too exhausted to try any longer.
I am ready ...
To have a great life.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
The 2015 Year in Review for The Wards!
SO ... if you are here you care to know more about what the Wards have been up to this year.
I have decided to phase Facebook out of my life for the most part. It really is full of garbage and takes up too much of my time. I enjoy blogging much more anyway and hope to keep this page updated so come back often friends!So ... HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Another year on the planet!
The Wards have been very busy this year.
Tony and I celebrated our 19th year married and 23 years together!
Hunter turned 18 this year and Hailey turned 15.
This summer he played flag football again with the Trudeau Tigers and Special Olympics and once again took home the gold. He also did a 4.1 military style race with me called Boulder Dash. His grades are decent and for the most part keeping his teenage fresh mouth in check! :)

Tony is still working at Brown University. He is an HVAC technician with them. The big news this year for the big guy is that he was elected president of his union and is looking forward to making changes and working hard to make his union a strong one for the people. He is a hard worker, a great husband and father. He continues to be the rock in this family.
I FINALLY earned my Bachelors in Psychology from Rhode Island College. It was a long hard road but I have finally done it. I began working full time for the first time since the kids were born. In September I was employed by the Providence Center. I am a teachers assistant in the Providence Center High School. It is a great stepping stone for getting my toes wet into the working world. I honestly love it! I could not have asked for a better first job after exiting college and stay at home motherhood. I continue to do respite work for some pretty awesome families and love them all. I still watch my little Saturday buddy for four years now. I also still am a Thirty-One Senior consultant. I believe it is FIVE years now. WOW> www.mythirtyone.com/tward
(shameless plug)
This year was a bit of a struggle for me with my anxiety and depression but the doc and I are working on adjusting my meds. Those of you who know the struggle ... know its real and sometimes it takes time. This summer was a tough one for me. Emotions were up and down. The holidays give me mixed emotions but I am handling them. Depression is an illness and it is a struggle every day. I am certainly looking forward to 2016 and growing and learning more and more about what is truly important to me and my mental health. I have a wonderful support system and am so thankful for that.

Angel and Bruno are still maniacs. They turned seven this year. We lost a few chickens here and there throughout the year to wild life. We now have only four.
Our little beach house is still standing strong and we look forward to making a few changes in 2016.
Our family has been truly blessed with happiness and health this year.
To all my family, friends, followers, customers, readers .... I care about each and every one of you.
The variety of people I have in my life ... I am truly blessed and appreciate you all.
From my family to yours .... We wish you the warmest, happiest and most joyous of holiday season and a wonderful, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
November 2015
Just this.
When u realize you didn't matter at all.
When you realize that all your energy, kindness, unconditional love .... Had conditions.
When you realize everything you thought would be .... Never will.
When you realize it was all for nothing cause that is what is left.
When u realize you didn't matter at all.
When you realize that all your energy, kindness, unconditional love .... Had conditions.
When you realize everything you thought would be .... Never will.
When you realize it was all for nothing cause that is what is left.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Welcome to the Real World
I hate that saying about as much as ...
"Welcome to motherhood..."
"Welcome to the teenage years ..."
"Welcome to hell ... "
"What's the plan for dinner ..."
As if the past eighteen years spent as a stay at home mom I DIDN'T know what the "real" world was like. I know the people who say this are usually saying it in jest but underneath hmmmmm they really mean ..."welcome to the hell of punching in and punching out, answering to someone else for your actions, being responsible to be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there or there will be consequences, paying the man, and/or being (possibly not everyone is) miserable for the rest of your life and begging for Friday to get here for those two days of freedom"
I get it.
Or apparently I don't.
But that's okay.
In MY REAL WORLD I have dealt with shitty diapers, vomit, snot, tantrums, diagnosis', grief, countless doctors appointments, prescriptions, finding out who is there for you and who is not, heart ache, loss, finding clever ways to make money for my family, helping raise other people's children, being a good friend, a good wife, the best mom I can be, Autism, depression, anxiety ....
Nah ....that's nothing like the REAL world.
The WORKING world.
But I am about to find out.
And I am ready to take it on like everything else in my life .... With optimism and rose colored glasses which can be a blessing or a curse depending on how it fits into this new job.
I am helping kids, I am putting my degree to work ...what more could I want.
Let's DO THIS!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
The Fourtieth Summer
***I published this ... Then unpublished it a day later. I was afraid of what people may think or who may think what ... Today ... I don't give a flying shit. This is my blog ... People come here at their own free will. They can choose not too ... So I am posting this and keeping it. Because it is real and it is me.
I made a decision today.
I am proud of it.
I am owning it.
I KNOW NOW ... I have come out different ... Better. I found out that to some people ... Some things are just not worth fighting for ... It's not important enough to them to put up a fight for something that was always an unconditional constant in their life no matter what.
So I made the decision of not wanting to always be the one fighting or reaching out. I have given all of myself. I know that in MY heart. All things begin and end for a reason.
So now it's ended.
And I am beginning.
Read on. It is what it is.
This last summer of my fortieth year has been by far the worst ever. I found out what it feels like to be dismissed ... And ultimately replaced. In the blink of an eye. I found out what it felt like to invest your heart into something so deeply and then have it torn apart. I guess I was due. I mean maybe I should feel happy that I have made it this long.
I made a decision today.
I am proud of it.
I am owning it.
I KNOW NOW ... I have come out different ... Better. I found out that to some people ... Some things are just not worth fighting for ... It's not important enough to them to put up a fight for something that was always an unconditional constant in their life no matter what.
So I made the decision of not wanting to always be the one fighting or reaching out. I have given all of myself. I know that in MY heart. All things begin and end for a reason.
So now it's ended.
And I am beginning.
Read on. It is what it is.
This last summer of my fortieth year has been by far the worst ever. I found out what it feels like to be dismissed ... And ultimately replaced. In the blink of an eye. I found out what it felt like to invest your heart into something so deeply and then have it torn apart. I guess I was due. I mean maybe I should feel happy that I have made it this long.
Maybe I have been spoiled ... Lucky, blessed ... However you wanna look at it to have gone this long in my life without this feeling.
But either way it sucks and it hurts and I don't know how to make it better.
It is a strange feeling.
Like there is a constant invisible string attached to your heart and you turn and see something to remind you and it tugs. You hear a song and it tugs some more. You see something out and about and want to share it and it tugs some more. Because there is no sharing. It's just a thought and then it disappears. But the string is always there ...always tugging because there are so many reminders all around. Everywhere. And they make you smile but then this pain follows and then sadness happens and it is so quick it almost takes my breath away. It's almost like a death ...an actual death of something.
I have gone through stages of rage, sadness, mourning, self-doubt, more rage, simmering anger, sadness again, self-hate ... But I am still waiting for the pain to subside. Not my WHOLE day is consumed by it anymore but I can tell you that some days are tough. Some days I barely want to get out of bed because a piece of me is missing. And I think no matter what happens after healing ... It will always be missing and never, ever the same. And THAT alone makes me sad. How do I deal with that? I am not sure.
No matter what or how it is looked at ... I will be seen as being selfish. For not thinking that perhaps someone else is entitled to happiness but it's not that at all.
It was never that. And I may never make it be understood.
So it's a stalemate right now. A pond with a layer of stagnant mush on top ... Just sitting there.
I don't know how to move the water, to get the pond circulating again. To create a waterfall because at my core that's who I am. A person who wants peace, happiness for everyone always and in all ways .... But there is a part of me is not even sure I want to. Because that's what I ALWAYS do. I always put myself out there first.
I will never invest my heart in that way again. I am a different person after this summer. Whether it's for the better or worse remains to be seen.
I guess we shall see.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
The day the boy became a man
Today my baby boy turns eighteen
When I look back at all the years I can actually remember saying ...
"I cannot wait until he sits up on his own"
"I cannot wait until he can hold his own bottle"
"I cannot wait until he can dress himself"
"I cannot wait until he goes to school"
"I cannot wait ....."
Now .... I CAN wait. Time needs to just WAIT.
Before I knew it he was tall, his voice was changing, he got his permit to drive, he is off with friends ... making stupid teenage decisions.
But this is how life goes.
But with this noodle ... it is different.
Not only is he my first but he has Autism. He does not really understand how the world works. How cruel people can be. He is still really a boy in a six foot+ body of a man. I would rate his maturity about 12-13 years old. He still cries (I don't mean cry like cause something is really sad) but cries and cries about things. Of course boys can cry but by the time you are eighteen you usually have some control over WHEN you need to cry over somethings.
He thinks everyone is his friend. He thinks he has to do stupid things to get people to be his friends. We try to make him understand that he is an adult now and people will "SEE" him as an adult and not an adult with special needs. But he DOES have special needs.
My mother thinks I shelter him too much and I think she gives him TOO much freedom.
It's painful to see that line.
My heart aches for him and celebrates for him at the same time. I miss snuggling that baby (whether he liked it or not WHICH he did NOT like to snuggle)
I wish all the best for him. I want him to be happy. I want the world to see how awesome he is. I want the world to see how much he can offer.
Oh heck ... I just want him to be happy. Have friends, a girlfriend ... that's all he desperately wants.
And I want that for him.
Its a happy and sad day. I feel like there is so much I missed out on. So much I could have taught him that I just didn't. We get so wrapped up in our daily lives with what we THINK is important.
These kids are important.
I hope if nothing else we have taught him love. And I think we have.
Hmmmm .... I wonder if he would snuggle with me right now on his birthday?
I am going to go try!
When I look back at all the years I can actually remember saying ...
"I cannot wait until he sits up on his own"
"I cannot wait until he can hold his own bottle"
"I cannot wait until he can dress himself"
"I cannot wait until he goes to school"
"I cannot wait ....."
Now .... I CAN wait. Time needs to just WAIT.
Before I knew it he was tall, his voice was changing, he got his permit to drive, he is off with friends ... making stupid teenage decisions.
But this is how life goes.
But with this noodle ... it is different.
Not only is he my first but he has Autism. He does not really understand how the world works. How cruel people can be. He is still really a boy in a six foot+ body of a man. I would rate his maturity about 12-13 years old. He still cries (I don't mean cry like cause something is really sad) but cries and cries about things. Of course boys can cry but by the time you are eighteen you usually have some control over WHEN you need to cry over somethings.
He thinks everyone is his friend. He thinks he has to do stupid things to get people to be his friends. We try to make him understand that he is an adult now and people will "SEE" him as an adult and not an adult with special needs. But he DOES have special needs.
It's painful to see that line.
My heart aches for him and celebrates for him at the same time. I miss snuggling that baby (whether he liked it or not WHICH he did NOT like to snuggle)
I wish all the best for him. I want him to be happy. I want the world to see how awesome he is. I want the world to see how much he can offer.
Oh heck ... I just want him to be happy. Have friends, a girlfriend ... that's all he desperately wants.
And I want that for him.
Its a happy and sad day. I feel like there is so much I missed out on. So much I could have taught him that I just didn't. We get so wrapped up in our daily lives with what we THINK is important.
These kids are important.
I hope if nothing else we have taught him love. And I think we have.
Hmmmm .... I wonder if he would snuggle with me right now on his birthday?
I am going to go try!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
It's hardly heroic
Depression is like the rabbit that the magician suddenly whips out of his hat: where was it hiding before? It just appears, out of nowhere, and you're all amazed.
I sometimes think I'm making it all up.
Given that I've suffered with depression all my life it may seem strange that I would ever doubt its existence. It's as much a part of my identity as my eye color and hair color. I never question the fact that I have dark brown hair. I never wake up in the morning and expect to be blonde. Why then do I wonder if I have a mental illness? Why do I tell myself, today is a brand new day and I'm just as normal as anyone else?
Lately I've been plagued by other people's doubts. In a perfect world, those who are closest to you would believe what you tell them. "I have an illness," you'd expect them to understand and empathize. Certainly if you were to say, "I have cancer," you'd expect an immediate heartfelt response: what can I do for you? How can I help? It's extremely unlikely that anyone would react to that statement by questioning you.
Why then when you say, "I have a mental illness," is the reaction not the same? Why do people try to talk you out of it, when you know damn well that this is your truth.
So I suppose it isn't all that surprising that I doubt my own reality from time to time. It doesn't help that depression AND anxiety is such a shape-shifting trickster by nature ... forever changing how it looks and feels. It's extremely hard to pin down.
I can't believe how palpable the pain really is. It isn't just in my head; it's in my bones. My whole body aches with despair.
The fact that it's so physical is actually something of a relief. I know that contrary to what society may think, I'm not just a wimp who can't cope with the stresses of everyday life. I'm not a slacker or a princess who doesn't want to work. I feel sicker than if I had the flu or even pneumonia—it's agony simply to blink or breathe. Something is very, very wrong, and it's not all in my imagination. And I'm not pretending. Who would ever choose to play this role?
It's hardly heroic.
It's been a long, long time since I have had a bout of depression like this. It is hard to shake this time and the usual coping mechanisms are not helping. The usual things I do ... Are not helping. It is hard to get up everyday. But I am telling you all this not for pity, or anyone to feel they need to do anything but just to show that it IS real and even those who you think would/could not possibly be a real victim of its grasp are suffering. It has been held at bay through all these years with teeny bouts here and there but this by far is the worst it has been in about fifteen years. It never goes away. It just lays dormant.
But I will be okay. I DO have people who are there for me. I am blessed and have lots of reasons to hang around here on this rock.
Just remember the struggle is real.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The Forever Fight
She thought if she clawed hard enough
Wished hard enough
Closed her eyes long enough
That the surface would come into sight
That if she tried hard enough
Walked long enough
Traveled with a forgiving heart
That the end of the tunnel would show
It's light
If she listened to her head
And kept a distance
Heard her heart and shielded it
From the usual precursors
That it would be different
But the muddy hole was too soggy
To claw through
There were not enough stars to wish upon
Her eyes were forced open by deception
The surface never was reached
Her trying was not good enough
Her feet became bloodied by the road traveled
Her heart became hard with time
The tunnel never ended in its unforgiving darkness
Her head was too tired
Her heart was too worn
The signs were all there and she ignored them
Once again
So she walks alone
A shell of a thing she once was
A shadow of what she could have been
And a whisper of a soul that will never be heard
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Just a Whisper Away
Here it comes again
With its long spindly fingers
Grasping at me from behind and trying to catch me
My legs are covered in molasses
Like running through quicksand
I can feel its icy nails ripping the back of my shirt
Shredding it because it's grip is not quite there
Stop fighting ... It will be easier
The quick sand like ground slows my pace
The molasses legs fight no more
Suddenly it is upon me
And I almost want to put up a fight
To be strong and give it one last push
To break through the shadow
But not this time ... Just not this time
Once upon me ...it smiles
I knew you were weak
And it was right
With its long spindly fingers
Grasping at me from behind and trying to catch me
My legs are covered in molasses
Like running through quicksand
I can feel its icy nails ripping the back of my shirt
Shredding it because it's grip is not quite there
Stop fighting ... It will be easier
The quick sand like ground slows my pace
The molasses legs fight no more
Suddenly it is upon me
And I almost want to put up a fight
To be strong and give it one last push
To break through the shadow
But not this time ... Just not this time
Once upon me ...it smiles
I knew you were weak
And it was right
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Trusting my body.
It is hard to believe that on February 14 Valentine's Day of this year will be two years since my gastric bypass surgery. It's amazing to think that two years ago I was almost 300 pounds and unhealthy. Although I was still very happy living my life in going along with these other health issues I knew that eventually something had to be done because MY BODY WAS NOT HAPPY ... so obviously I chose to take the journey towards gastric bypass. If you want to read all about that than just scroll through my past posts. I have been blogging since the beginning.
I have found out that it's hard to trust your body. It's hard to trust thinking that your body knows exactly what it's doing. When you're hungry your body signals your brain to tell you that you need food. A lot of us have had the problems with eating too much food or eating the wrong kinds of foods because even though our body gives us the physical indication that we're hungry it's still our responsibility to decide what we are actually putting in it to nourish and fuel our bodies. I am not perfect. Sometimes I choose cookies over veggies ... sometimes I choose ice cream over Greek yogurt. And almost always I will choose coffee over water. LOL!
But I have learned the past two years that is important to not deny yourself these things because then you want them more. It really is true. Life is about balance. Balance is the number one key to success. I don't really know exactly what my problem was. Why I was heavy or why I developed those health problems that come along with weight. I am sure it was a huge combination of things. Genetics, environment, diet, hormones, depression ... etc.
I do know that I always have been conscious about what I put inside my body but sometimes we just get tired ... we get tired of the day-to-day, we get tired of running around all the time, we get tired our kids, we get tired of work and then we just become lazy and we put whatever we can into our faces because it's just going to keep us going. We can attribute our weight to poor choices, we can attribute our weight problems to genetics, and all kinds of things. I honestly believe that it definitely comes down to portion control, food choice and balance.
I will be absolutely 100% honest with you that I do not eat THAT much differently than I did before gastric bypass surgery. Now obviously everything I say in this blog has to do with ME and me only. I would never recommend that you do anything that I do because every single person's body is different. But I do believe it's important to offer information on how everyone's body is different. I feel that everyone has an experience through this journey that shows us HOW diverse the results can be.
Now that's not to say that I don't make better choices now when it comes to food. Obviously I do and obviously I have to because there's some things that I cannot and will not be able to eat for the rest of my life because of gastric bypass. But I don't ever feel that I deny myself anything.
I will try anything once even if it's bad or what people say is bad. ***Let me go on a side note here saying that there's no good or bad food. Food is food. You have good or poor choices what to put in your body. Just my wee outlook on that issue. You can agree or disagree or agree to disagree LOL
I know a lot of people have issues with food and after gastric bypass surgery do not even want to try the foods that they feel got them into trouble with their weight in the first place.
And that's perfectly fine with them. And fine with me. Find what works for YOU. *** (see note after photos below)
It's up to each individual to know what got them to their point of being overweight and unhealthy. Recognize those patterns and make sure they are not to be repeated.
But I do feel in my situation that I'm strong enough to be able to still choose to eat certain things. That's my choice. This is what my husband and my BFF would call "the slippery slope". LOL I know this sounds kind of foolish but I personally like to challenge myself. I know it sounds awful because you think "you went through all of that trouble or experience to become healthy why would you even choose to eat anything that would be unhealthy that may have gotten you into trouble in the first place."
My point to myself is I want to be able to have the power over my body and my mind to choose to have something if I want to. And to be able to choose that food and not over do it. Because I feel you are here on this planet for such a short time why deny yourself things that give you a little bit of pleasure. If you can find that balance that's awesome. I've worked hard to find that balance.
And like in the title of this blog I have learned to trust my body. I have gained weight back (from my lowest weight) but I do honestly believe that my body needed that weight. I went as low as 148 pounds I didn't really feel healthy there. I didn't feel strong. I didn't feel healthy. I didn't feel powerful. I felt weak and drained.
It was it nice to fit into a size 12 pants and not have to be tight ... yeah sure. And I figured that I was supposed to be fine with that. But then I started gaining little bit of weight. At first I was a little concerned because I was like "oh crap there is that slippery slope that everyone talks about". But then I realized that I was starting to feel stronger. That I was actually eating more because I felt like my body needed it. And my body started to level out right around 165. Now this would freak people out because that's like almost 20 pounds from my lowest weight. But I think now that my body knew that was unrealistic. I went through that stage of people thinking or outright saying "Um ... I think you can stop now." or "You are looking too thin" I mean really people ... too fat ... too thin. Whatever. I just trusted my body and waited. Patiently.
I waited and waited and really tried to trust my body and see what my body really wanted. I didn't go by charts. I didn't go buy pants sizes and I didn't even go by the scale.
I just watched the scale to see as a general form of measurement to what my body decided it was going to do. I have maintained my 160-165 for MORE than a year now. I have come to the conclusion that my body wants to float between 160-165.
Now that being said I haven't really worked on any real legitimate fitness routine yet. I mean I am obviously more active daily than I was two years ago but I wanted to wait until my second year to see what my skin would do ... what my body would do. When I DO start a routine and hopefully a more strict regimen .. I may lose some weight and I may gain some weight due to muscle or strength training but you know what I really don't care. My body and I had a long talk and I am going to trust it. So far it has not let me down. I swim, walk the track at the college, run to classes (cause I am almost always late in the morning), climb 3-4 flights a stairs several times a day on campus. In the warmer months I walk the dogs down to the beach, garden, clean the yard like a mad woman, swim in the pool and did three 5Ks last year.
I am a size 14 pants, a size medium to large shirt. (at my largest I was a size 26 pants ...for a very short time even a 28 pants... and 3XL shirt)
I look good and feel stronger now and that makes me feel happy.
I will never be a size 4.
I will never be a size 6 or eight or 10 or not even a size 12. I was not comfortable at a size 12.
I was just more dreamy about the actual number.
But my body is smart.
It is a machine and it knows what its doing.
It is complex.
You have to trust that your body absolutely knows what it needs.\
It was screaming to me to trust it ... It was begging me to listen before surgery and now its doing the same.
You just have to be very very quiet sometimes and listen.
*** ALWAYS work with a therapist/nutritionist/physician if you feel you have an unhealthy relationship with food and still struggle after surgery or if you are not seeing the results you thought or think you should. NO question is a stupid question. These professionals are there to help you! ALWAYS work with your surgeon about ANY concerns you have about your progress. ALWAYS work on what works for YOU. AND NEVER change anything without the advice of your physician.
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